East Wall | Costume commission

with Polona Dolżan


150 performers stormed the Tower of London in a spectacular collision of music and dance in 2018. Directed by the internationally-celebrated artist and choreographer Hofesh ShechterEast Wall invited you to discover dynamic new dance created by Becky NamgaudsDuwane TaylorJames Finnemore and Joseph Toonga, four of London’s most exciting young choreographers.

A large-scale institutional collaboration between East London DanceHistoric Royal PalacesLIFT – London International Festival of Theatre , Hofesh Shechter Company and London College of Fashion.

Commissioned by Ligaya Salazar, designer Louise Bennetts led MA Costume Design For Performance students to create the costumes for 16 principal dancers and sourced outfits for the remaining cast.


Polyphonic Playground | Touring installation | 2014-2018


Sustainability & Innovation Season | Arcade East London | Programme | 2018