Fordlandia by Studio Swine | 2016


Inspired by the tropical ghost town, this project by Studio Swine imagined a world where Fordlandia is a success, where nature and industry have entered a symbiotic relationship to create – sustainably and beautifully. The project featured a collection of furniture and products which use natural rubber and other materials from the forest and reference the Brazilian tropical modernist movement..

An especially commissioned film by Juriaan Booij that charts Studio Swine’s research process – from visiting Ebonite factories to the abandoned town in the Brazilian rainforest itself – was shown in the space.

The exhibition was accompanied by a catalogue designed by Czech graphics and design collective OKOLO, it includes contributions by Kristen Gallerneaux, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Lily Cole, Ligaya Salazar, Karel Veselý and, of course, Studio Swine.

Studio Swine were kindly supported by the British Council to travel to Brazil on a Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship in the Design category.


Arcade East & Digital Learning Lab | Development & Programme | 2017


Roof Garden by Studio Weave | London College of Fashion | Commission | 2014